When I’m helping sellers prepare to sell their home, my goal is to make the house appealing to the most likely buyers. Sometimes that means we are painting homes gray because that’s what “everyone” seems to want.

Other times, it makes sense to ignore the trendy style and focus on buyers who are more likely to want a house like the one being sold.

But when I’m working with buyers, none of that matters. The focus needs to be on what they want. Of course, if they plan to move again, we will talk about resale. But since they will probably be redoing flooring and paint before they move, it doesn’t really matter what everyone likes…it just matters that my clients like it.

Of course….if my clients don’t care about the latest trends, the house should also be priced to match the updates (or lack of updates)!

I’ve got more behind the scenes help coming soon. Be sure to subscribe to the Arch City Homes weekly email and the video tips will be delivered directly to your inbox weekly.

Every Buyer is Unique:

I’ve been helping buyers find St. Louis area homes for a long time. Over the years, here are some of the things my buyers wanted that didn’t match what realtors and sellers claim “everyone” wants:

  • a totally wooded backyard so it wouldn’t need any mowing
  • a basement that had to be unfinished so it could accommodate the train setup
  • a finished basement that was NOT a walk-out basement, so the teens couldn’t go in or out without using the front door
  • a QuickTrip on the way to work so the buyer could swing through to grab a cup of coffee without having to make left turns into traffic
  • a room that could be dedicated to the iguana
  • a house with walls separating the kitchen from the living space rather than an open floor plan

These requirements were real…and I found homes with each of these things for those clients!

When I work with clients who need to buy a home, my focus is on what they want, not what everything thinks they should want.

Are You Thinking About Moving?

I specialize in selling St. Louis homes regardless of whether they will be the hot listing to hit the market or if they have a challenge that makes it much harder to sell.  I also work with buyers who want to find the home of their dreams, but don’t want to overpay.

If you are thinking of buying or selling a home in the St. Louis area, give me a call at 314-265-8073 and let’s talk about your options.